Cat attacks runner?
Cat attacks runner?

“I had my phone in one hand and my other hand up in the air trying to look as big as I could. “Did you want to project strength?” Cooper asked. “I felt like if I did anything sooner, she would have felt like I was attacking her baby cubs and It would have ended a lot differently,” he said. Yeah, not going back that way.”īurgess told CNN’s Anderson Cooper that he never had the urge to run because he wanted to keep his eyes on the cougar the entire time. “Wow, that just happened,” Burgess said into the camera when he could finally relax. Finally, he throws a rock at the mountain lion and she runs away, leaving him relieved in the clear. Throughout the entire video Burgess never turns his back away from the animal as she continued to lunge and hiss at him. “OK, this is when I (expletive) die,” he says. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.The agitated cat then proceeds to follow Burgess for the next six minutes, all while Burgess is yelling and growling at the animal. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. If your question was answered by either of the linked guides, please delete your post to help keep the subreddit clean. If you already have a wild duck in your care, please contact a wildlife rehabilitator ASAP - you cannot care for the duck on your own. Most importantly, you should always get advice from a wildlife rehabilitator before interfering with wildlife. If you're thinking about helping a wild duck, or have already rescued a duck, please read our guide to duck rescue.

cat attacks runner?

This guide explains how to meet all your ducks' welfare needs. Want to learn more about domestic ducks? Please take a look at our complete guide to duck care.

cat attacks runner?

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cat attacks runner?

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Cat attacks runner?